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词汇学习 | Vocabulary

语法 | Grammar

听力 | Listening

阅读 | Reading

写作 | Writing

口语 | Speaking

文化学习 | Culture

在线课程 | Online Courses

学习工具 | Tools

词汇学习 | Vocabulary


有趣的记忆方式学习新词汇。 | A fun way to memorize new vocabulary.


创建自己的词汇卡片,随时随地学习。 | Create your own flashcards and study anywhere.


强大的中文词典应用。 | A powerful Chinese dictionary app.


高效的记忆卡片软件。 | An efficient flashcard software.

汉典 | Zdic

提供汉字、词语、成语的字典与解释。 | A dictionary providing explanations of Chinese characters, words, and idioms.

HSK Vocabulary Lists

官方 HSK 词汇列表,按级别分类。 | Official HSK vocabulary lists categorized by levels.

ChinesePod Vocabulary

从播客中学习新的词汇。 | Learn new vocabulary from podcasts.


专注于中文汉字书写和词汇学习的工具。 | A tool focused on Chinese character writing and vocabulary.


提供汉字字典和词汇学习工具。 | Offers Chinese character dictionary and vocabulary learning tools.


游戏化的中文学习平台,提升词汇量。 | Gamified Chinese learning platform to boost vocabulary.

MDBG Chinese Dictionary

在线中文词典,支持拼音和部首检索。 | Online Chinese dictionary with pinyin and radical lookup.


适合初学者的中文学习应用,包括词汇练习。 | A Chinese learning app for beginners, including vocabulary practice.


通过图像化的方法学习汉字和词汇。 | Learn Chinese characters and vocabulary through visual methods.


提供音频和视频课程,扩展词汇量。 | Provides audio and video lessons to expand vocabulary.

Arch Chinese

在线中文学习工具,包括词汇和汉字练习。 | Online Chinese learning tools including vocabulary and character practice.

Written Chinese

提供词汇学习和汉字资源。 | Offers vocabulary learning and Chinese character resources.

Hanping Dictionary

安卓平台上的中文词典应用。 | A Chinese dictionary app for Android.

Han Trainer Pro

提供词汇训练和汉字学习的工具。 | Provides vocabulary training and Chinese character learning tools.

语法 | Grammar

Chinese Grammar Wiki

全面的中文语法知识库。 | A comprehensive Chinese grammar resource.

汉语语法网 | Chinese Grammar

提供详细的汉语语法解析。 | Detailed analysis of Chinese grammar.


针对初学者的中文语法课程。 | Chinese grammar courses for beginners.

Standard Mandarin

中文语法与发音指南。 | Guides to Chinese grammar and pronunciation.

Grammar Hero

通过故事学习中文语法。 | Learn Chinese grammar through stories.

Chinese Grammar Spot

提供简洁的中文语法视频教程。 | Offers concise Chinese grammar video lessons.

语言狂欢 | Language Crush

社区驱动的语言学习资源,包括语法讨论。 | Community-driven language learning resources, including grammar discussions.

Chinese Boost

深入探讨中文语法点和使用方法。 | In-depth exploration of Chinese grammar points and usage.

Chinese Grammar Exercises

提供各种语法练习题目。 | Provides various grammar exercises.

汉语桥 | Chinese Bridge

官方的中文学习平台,涵盖语法学习。 | Official Chinese learning platform covering grammar study.

听力 | Listening


提供各级别的中文播客和学习资料。 | Chinese podcasts and learning materials for all levels.

慢速中文 | Slow Chinese

用慢速中文讲述中国故事。 | Chinese stories told at a slow pace.

Mandarin Corner

提供适合学习者的中文视频和音频。 | Chinese videos and audios suitable for learners.

Chinese Listening Practice

各级别的中文听力练习。 | Chinese listening practice for various levels.


大量的中文音频和视频课程。 | A large number of Chinese audio and video lessons.

HSK Listening

按照 HSK 级别分类的听力练习。 | Listening exercises categorized by HSK levels.

Happy Chinese

央视制作的中文学习节目。 | A Chinese learning program produced by CCTV.

Melnyks Chinese

循序渐进的中文播客课程。 | Progressive Chinese podcast lessons.

听故事学中文 | Learn Chinese through Stories

通过故事提升中文听力。 | Improve Chinese listening through stories.

Chinese Voices

真实的中国人采访音频,带有文本。 | Authentic interviews with Chinese people, with transcripts.

阅读 | Reading

The Chairman's Bao

适合中文学习者的新闻文章。 | News articles suitable for Chinese learners.

Du Chinese

分级别的中文阅读材料。 | Graded Chinese reading materials.

Mandarin Companion

简化版的中文小说,适合学习者。 | Simplified Chinese novels suitable for learners.

Chinese Reading Practice

提供各种主题的中文阅读材料。 | Chinese reading materials on various topics.

Graded Readers

分级别的中文阅读书籍,提高阅读能力。 | Graded Chinese reading books to improve reading skills.

Decipher Chinese

每日更新的中文短文,配有词汇注释。 | Daily updated Chinese short articles with vocabulary notes.

纸飞机 | Mandarin Bean

提供简短有趣的中文文章。 | Provides short and interesting Chinese articles.

91 Reading

针对中文学习者的阅读材料和练习。 | Reading materials and exercises for Chinese learners.


提供汉字释义和例句,辅助阅读。 | Provides Chinese character definitions and example sentences to aid reading.

Chinese Short Stories

适合初学者的中文短篇故事。 | Chinese short stories suitable for beginners.

写作 | Writing


互相纠正写作的语言交流平台。 | A language exchange platform for correcting each other's writing.

汉字练习 | Chinese Character Practice

在线练习中文书写。 | Practice Chinese writing online.


专注于中文汉字书写的学习工具。 | A learning tool focused on Chinese character writing.

Write Chinese

指导如何书写中文汉字的笔画。 | Guides on how to write Chinese character strokes.

Chinese Tools

提供汉字练习纸和书写工具。 | Offers Chinese character practice sheets and writing tools.

Hanzi Grids

生成定制的汉字练习纸。 | Generate customized Chinese character practice sheets.

笔顺练习 | Stroke Order Practice

学习汉字的正确笔顺。 | Learn the correct stroke order of Chinese characters.

Chinese Writer by TrainChinese

通过游戏方式练习汉字书写。 | Practice Chinese character writing through games.

HelloChinese Writing

提供汉字书写练习的移动应用。 | A mobile app offering Chinese character writing practice.

汉字英雄 | Hero Chinese

通过互动游戏学习汉字书写。 | Learn Chinese character writing through interactive games.

口语 | Speaking


找到母语老师练习口语。 | Find native teachers to practice speaking.


与全球语言伙伴交流。 | Communicate with language partners worldwide.


语言交换应用,与母语者练习。 | Language exchange app to practice with native speakers.


通过模仿母语者的发音练习口语。 | Practice speaking by mimicking native speakers' pronunciation.


在线寻找中文教师进行一对一口语练习。 | Find online Chinese teachers for one-on-one speaking practice.


提供口语练习和反馈的语言学习平台。 | Language learning platform offering speaking practice and feedback.

咕噜口语 | GoSpeak

针对中文学习者的口语练习应用。 | Speaking practice app for Chinese learners.

语言伙伴 | Language Partners

连接语言学习者的社交平台。 | Social platform connecting language learners.

Speak Chinese

提供中文口语练习材料和指导。 | Offers Chinese speaking practice materials and guidance.

Chinese Pronunciation Wiki

学习标准的中文发音。 | Learn standard Chinese pronunciation.

文化学习 | Culture

中国文化网 | China Culture

了解中国文化的各个方面。 | Learn about various aspects of Chinese culture.

文化中国 | Cultural China

探索中国的传统与现代文化。 | Explore traditional and modern Chinese culture.

BBC 中国 | BBC China

了解中国的最新新闻与文化。 | Latest news and culture about China.

China Highlights

关于中国旅游和文化的信息。 | Information about traveling in China and its culture.

中国日报 | China Daily

中国的英文报纸,了解中国时事和文化。 | English newspaper from China, covering current events and culture.

中国国家博物馆 | National Museum of China

了解中国历史和艺术的官方资源。 | Official resource to learn about Chinese history and art.

中国民俗文化 | Chinese Folk Culture

介绍中国的民俗和传统习惯。 | Introduction to Chinese folk customs and traditions.

CRI 在线 | China Radio International

提供多语言的中国新闻和文化内容。 | Offers multilingual Chinese news and cultural content.

中国教育电视台 | CETV

教育类节目,涵盖文化内容。 | Educational programs covering cultural content.

中国传统节日 | Chinese Traditional Festivals

了解中国的传统节日和庆祝活动。 | Learn about Chinese traditional festivals and celebrations.

在线课程 | Online Courses

Coursera 中文课程 | Coursera Chinese Courses

全球大学的中文课程。 | Chinese courses from universities worldwide.

edX 中文学习 | edX Chinese Learning

顶尖大学的中文课程。 | Chinese courses from top universities.

Udemy 中文课程 | Udemy Chinese Courses

各类中文学习的在线课程。 | Online courses for various Chinese learning topics.

FutureLearn 中文课程 | FutureLearn Chinese Courses

提供免费的中文在线课程。 | Offers free online Chinese courses.


适合初学者的中文在线课程和应用。 | Online courses and apps suitable for beginners.

OpenLearn 中文课程 | OpenLearn Chinese Courses

免费提供的中文学习材料和课程。 | Free Chinese learning materials and courses.

MIT OpenCourseWare 中文课程

麻省理工学院的开放式课程资源。 | Open course resources from MIT.

Yoyo Chinese

提供视频课程的中文学习平台。 | Chinese learning platform offering video courses.

edX Tsinghua Chinese

清华大学提供的中文课程。 | Chinese courses provided by Tsinghua University.

华文慕课 | Chinese MOOC

全球最大的中文在线学习平台。 | The worlds largest online Chinese learning platform.

学习工具 | Tools


强大的中文词典应用。 | A powerful Chinese dictionary app.


高效的记忆卡片软件。 | An efficient flashcard software.

Google Translate

实用的翻译工具,支持中文。 | A practical translation tool supporting Chinese.

Zhongwen Popup Dictionary

浏览器插件,鼠标悬停即可查看中文释义。 | A browser extension to view Chinese definitions on hover.

Perapera Chinese

另一款中文浏览器词典插件。 | Another Chinese browser dictionary plugin.

Linea 中文字体

适用于练习书写的中文字体工具。 | Chinese font tool suitable for practicing writing.

Hanping Camera

通过摄像头实时识别汉字的应用。 | An app that recognizes Chinese characters in real-time through the camera.


游戏化的中文学习应用。 | Gamified Chinese learning app.

Youdao Dictionary

多功能的中英词典和翻译工具。 | A multifunctional Chinese-English dictionary and translation tool.


通过填空练习提高中文水平。 | Improve Chinese through fill-in-the-blank exercises.